Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When Do We Really Become Adults? Part 2

Stage 1: The Teenage Years 

        Most teenagers begin to feel the pull of adulthood at abut the age of 16. Why is that? Are they any smarter, nope. Are they anymore informed, doubtfully. Are they in anyway more grown up than they were before turning 16? Absolutely not. So what makes them think they are in anyway and adult? They can drive. That is right, they now have the freedom of going where they want without having to ask Mom and Dad for a ride.

        Are 16 year old children responsible enough to drive? Do I really need to go there. No a 16 year old is not mature enough to be unleashed upon society while in control of a several ton deadly weapon. However, it is more convenient to us real grown ups to have them drive then to continue driving them around everywhere they feel they need to go. But cars also just give teenagers one more place to have sex. Which is the next phase of adulthood. 

        When it comes to being an adult, most states have come to the conclusion that as far as having consensual sex, one must be at least 16 years of age. There are a few that are younger and a few that claim 18 is appropriate, but even the Military Code Of Uniformed Justice (UCMJ) declares 16 to be the age of consent, unless the service member is in a state or country that claims a higher age. Now personally, I think it should be much higher than 16.

                Let me break it down for you:

                    1.If your parents are still trying to decide weather or not you are old enough to be taught
                       about sex in school,
                    2. If you are to embarrassed to buy condoms,
                    3. If you can't ask your mommy and daddy to take you to the free clinic for birth control,
                    4. If you can't balance high school and a baby,

                Guess what, you're too damn young to make any kind of decision regarding sex. Grow the
                fuck up! Prom is no time for giving birth. Have fun, be kids. It ends way too soon!

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