Sunday, April 22, 2012

All We Need, One More Moron

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             Last week the Republicans in Arizona all went out to vote in the CD8 special election primary. This is their second chance to claim the congressional seat that was held by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, before stepping down after being shot in the head a little over a year ago. It came as no surprise that Jesse Kelly won the nomination as he was only marginally defeated in the previous election. 

            I have no idea how this man convinced the Republican party to make him their choice. Other than his name is now known. Jesse Kelly was up against some serious competition which included Martha McSally. McSally is a Harvard educated career military service woman. She was also the first woman to fly in combat. Jesse Kelly is a college dropout who served 4 years in the Marine Corps and believes that oil is a renewable resource. (And thank you for your service Mr. Kelly)
             Speaking of education, I would like to mention that the state of Arizona is ranked 51st in the nation (Washington D.C. is included as well). TUSD (Tucson Unified School District) is the worst district in Arizona. That means TUSD is dead last in the country. TUSD is in CD8. So why do I bring this up? Well, Mr. Kelly has some interesting ideas when it comes to education, here they are:
                             1. Abolish the Department of Education
                             2. Give the extra money to home-schooling parents
 Yeah, that's about it for his bright ideas. But what do expect from a man who thinks that a degree isn't that important. And apparently neither does Arizona, we have a governor who has only a high school diploma and a radiology technician certificate. Apparently in Arizona, we don't think too highly of those snobby college grads.
             Jesse Kelley also has a problem with loyalty. He is certainly not loyal to the state of Arizona. After losing the election, he packed up his family and moved them to Texas. I understand that business can take you many different places, but if he was really that concerned with Arizona, maybe he could have stuck around, tried out local politics. If he is so worried about this state, why not stay and help. You don't have to be a Representative in Washington to make a difference. Mr. Kelley probably would have stayed in Texas had Congresswoman Giffords not stepped down, but she did, and look who comes running home. The prodigal son returns.

            Now this last part doesn't involve the issues at all, but I still think it a valid point. Jesse Kelly looks like a child wearing his father's suits that are too big for him. Why is this important at all. As far as the issues are concerned, it isn't. However, this man wants to go to Washington and represent this state. When people look at you, they judge you by how you are dressed,  like it or not, they do. If Mr. Kelly is going to wear clothes that don't fit him, how does he expect the other members of Congress to take him seriously.  I want to know that my representative will not have his coworkers imagining a nine year old boy walking around in daddy's clothes whenever they look at him.

              There are many other reasons that I don not care for Jesse Kelly. But that is not what I am here to point out. My point is that he is unqualified for this position and the Republicans seem to think that this state wants uneducated people in power. Sure, a college degree isn't everything, maybe if he had spent more than four years in the military or started off with some local politics and worked his way up. But he didn't. He used his daddy's money to jump ahead of the line and right into a seat of power. When that failed, he left for Texas, returning only after a tragedy left that coveted seat open.

             Please think really hard before this special election. This man is not qualified to represent us in Washington. He doesn't care about Arizona and doesn't care about education, the one thing we really need to focus on. Please do some more research on this man other than what he puts out to the public. And republicans, please start giving us candidates worth voting for. Had you not backed Kelly in the last election, you might have had a Harvard educated veteran on on her way to Washington instead of an opportunistic man who repeatedly quits when things get too tough. I will weep for Arizona if this man is elected. 

  When you're at the bottom, the only way to go is up. 
Alright Arizona, we've made it to the bottom, now what?



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