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That's the American thought process! |
fellow Americans, we are trillions of dollars in debt. We are actively involved
in two wars that have been going on for more than 10 years now as well as
participating in military actions around the world. Our military is stretched
so thin it can barely do its job. We are still recovering from the collapse of
the housing bubble brought on by what can only be considered at best shoddy and
at worst illegal business practices of banks and Wall Street businessmen. The cost of medical care is through the roof,
this is one of the only industrialized countries left in which one can go
bankrupt because they got cancer. Currently we out of 34 countries surveyed
students in the United States placed 14th in reading, 17th in
science and 25th in math. Not only are we falling behind the rest of
the world in education we are encouraging this and we seem to be proud of it.
But how many of these issues are actually being addressed by our leaders? How
many of us are actually concerned with them? Not too many. Instead of focusing
on these things we have been led astray by our government and our political
parties. We have been bombarded with propaganda from the media sellouts that,
instead of seeking out the truth, cater to advertisers and politicians. And we
are now more divided than we have been since the Civil War. So, do you know
what happened last time this country was this angry and divided? I hope so, the
last sentence should have been a big clue!
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That is what passes for an American icon now. |
So what
is it that we are so interested in these days? If you get passed The Jersey shore and MTV’s
16 and Knocked up Again (or whatever that stupid show is called) we find a few
issues that people are concerned with, and here they are: Obama’s birth
certificate, getting the dems/rep out of office, welfare abusers and illegal
immigration. So, these are the things that our country is most concerned with
when we are in such peril. But these are issues that we should be paying
attention to right? Well sure, that’s what corporate America wants you to
think. As long as you are busy being angry about trivial matters, they can do
whatever they want and get you the people to support them under the guise of
capitalism and if they can’t get your support, they at least have you
distracted with something else. So let me address some of these concerns.
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I don't like him so it must be true! |
Obama’s birth certificate. Seriously
people? Get the fuck over it. You may not like him, you may think he’s the
worst President ever, but he is the President and he is a citizen. Do you
really think that the Democratic Party would not vet their Presidential candidate?
Sure, the republicans didn’t do a great job with Palin, but I’m pretty sure
this isn’t something they would be likely to miss. Second, it would take a lot
more than just the Democrats to pull this off. The Republican Party would have
had to be involved as well. And the state of Hawaii, the country of Kenya, or
Indonesia wherever it is you think the President is really from. There would be
way too many people involved in the wheels would have started turning on this
thing years before the President was elected. This would be the biggest conspiracy
yet, bigger than 911 and bigger than Kennedy. And if that isn’t enough, come
on, Hillary wanted to be President too Damn bad to let that shit happen.

Welfare abusers. Yes, all
those on welfare are lazy drug addicts that are looking for nothing more than a
government handout. I am so sick of
seeing these internet memes that portray the less fortunate in this light.
Sure, it does happen, but it is the minority. Most people on welfare did not choose
this as a career path. They hit hard times and they need help. And the fact
that we have been trying to dig this country out of debt for 4 years is not
helping anyone. These people didn’t just decide they didn’t want to work
anymore, obviously you have been complaining about the lack of jobs, but for
some reason these leeches on welfare should have been able to find a job?

Come on
America, wake up! We claim to be the greatest country I the world, but most
kids now can’t remember their own phone number or find the state they live in
on a map! We concern ourselves with trivia things because we’ve been old to by
the media. We watch one biased news station and then regurgitate everything
they say, true or not like it were gospel. And after the latest screw up by
both major networks claiming that the Supreme Court had struck down’ Obama Care
(because they reported before turning the page to see the next sentence) we
really shouldn’t be taking anything they say to seriously. Wake up, look at
what is important, stop being so stupid! Everyone keeps talking about his Kool-Aid
the other guys have been drinking. Guess what asshole; you’ve been drinking it
too! It’s just a different flavor!
ReplyDelete^An excellent example of the intentional "dumbing down" of American children. It features opposition to critical thinking skills being taught because it might (heaven forbid) cause a child to question their pre-existing beliefs. (aka the big man in the sky) Also, no teaching of multiculturalism. 'Cause we wouldn't want to stop bigotry or anything. No sex education beyond abstinence information. 'Cause telling kids "just don't do it" has a fantastic track record. and then this:
"Parental School Choice – We encourage the Governor and the Texas Legislature to enact child-centered school funding options which fund the student, not schools or districts, to allow maximum freedom of choice in public, private, or parochial education for all children."
That all sounds great until you realize what the implications are. People who have been unhappy with the current state of education will start pulling kids out of public schools. Then, add this:
"Private Education – We believe that parents and legal guardians may choose to educate their children in private schools to include, but not limited to, home schools and parochial schools without government interference, through definition, regulation, accreditation, licensing, or testing."
Notice the last part where there's no accreditation, no regulation or licensing? That's convenient. Corporations that want to make money on education by killing the public system and creating private for-profit schools, would sure love a thing like that, wouldn't they? In fact, so would churches that object to the teaching of science over bible studies. This is also dandy for unschoolers, who think kids should just "like, be free to play, man."
It means private schools get money from the government to teach kids. (presumably SOME would be getting double money from parents in the form of tuition) AND THEY AREN'T ACCOUNTABLE TO ANYONE. No standards. No one looking over their shoulders. As long as they keep the parents happy. And how hard is that? These are the same people who, as you say, think Obama's birth certificate is a big scandalous deal. They have already shown they are easy to manipulate.
And believe me, I don't think its just the Republicans. All of our politicians are failing us. All of them are in the pockets of SOME corporation or special interest. But THESE particular characters aren't even hiding anymore. Its right in their darn objectives. "Make our kids stupid. Drive public education into the ground. Privatize education and then teach whatever we want to make the future generations as mentally pliable as we want. Tell them not to question." Why? Because the stupider they are, the easier they are to control.
Rachel, you are amazing. Thanks to you, I have started to think critically about our government, current events and the state of our nation. I wasn't interested in politics for the longest time, but I am really paying attention now. Keep it up !