was having a conversation with a few other women recently about the state of
our current political environment. One of the women that I was talking to was
very young. I was discussing the recent special election in Arizona’s CD8. She
expressed to me that she didn’t feel voting was that important since the
politicians didn’t do what we wanted them to do anyway, so why bother voting if
they just do whatever they want. I have
also found that frustration with our politicians for this exact reason is not
uncommon. So why don’t our politicians
listen to us? Why don’t they do what we want them to?
off, our politicians do listen to us. They listen to all of us. They listen to
those who have logical sound ideas backed up facts and sources and they listen
to those who have half-baked ideas concocted after reading some blog post on
the internet written by a fourteen year old child that got his idea from half a
conversation he overheard his parents discussing. Then they listen to all those
that are somewhere in between. They
listen to the special interest groups, the lobbyists and their fellow
politicians. They listen to the chatter on the internet, they listen to
everything. So the real question is why they
don’t do what you want them to.
1: It’s not all about you. Wait, what? It’s not? No, it is not all about you.
Our elected officials were elected by a large group of people consisting of
more than you. These politicians are supposed to do what is best for the whole,
not just you. To put it into simpler
terms, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. Note the word NEED, I did not say want.
2: The people are stupid. Most people
have no idea what any one piece of legislation actually says. And that is OK. That
is why we elect these officials. We don’t have time to read through every 2,700
page bill to decide if we agree with it or not. We have lives. We have jobs,
school, kids, families and budgets to balance. We don’t have time to deal with
all of this nonsense as well. So we elect people and we pay them to read these
bills and vote on them for us. The problems occur when people decide that they
opposed to these bills with no actual reasons why. People get most of their information
from the major news organizations that all have spin (I don’t care if you think
it’s Fair and Balanced, it is NOT) or worse yet, they get their news from
Facebook. Yes, they get their reliable information from memes on the internet,
that are usually completely made up. Then they preach this false information to
the world and feel like they have done their civic duty. Guess what, just
because you saw it on the internet, doesn’t make it true.
3: Their job is not to do what we tell them to. I know that seems wrong, but
that is not their job. They can’t do what we want them to because we all want
them to do different things. Even people in the same political party don’t
always agree on everything. Their job is
to listen to the people, read the legislation and decide what would be best for
the people. And there are many times that the politicians are doing what the
people want, they just don’t realize it, because they didn’t want to read the
legislation. But instead decided its merit off of what the major news organizations have
told them. The job of our elected officials is to do what is best for the
people they represent, all of them.
if you feel that your politician is not listening to you, my first thought is
that you haven’t even tried to communicate with them. Have you written to them?
Have you called their office? Probably not. What I’m sure you have done, is
bitch to your friends and post it all over Facebook that these guys all suck
and they don’t care about the people at all. Now, you could be right, they may
not care at all. They may be in it for that check, but before demonizing these
people, at least do your part. That's right, you have a part in all of this!

you want to participate in democracy, please do. But inform yourself first. I
don’t always agree with the people I vote for, but when I don’t I take the time
to read those pieces of legislation to make sure I understand the entire
picture before I get angry about it. We won’t always agree on everything, or
anything, but please remember that if you don’t know what you are talking about,
your opinion isn’t really worth much. And what is voted on isn’t all about you,
but you have the right to make your voice heard. And while you may think we should just go to
majority rule remember this; if our country was left up to majority rule, we’d
still have slaves and women wouldn’t have the right to vote.
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