Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When Do We Really Become Adults? Part 1

        If you keep up with current news you are aware of the 15 year old child that is being held facing nine counts of murder and 17 counts of state human smuggling charges. If you are not up on these events, here are the cliff notes. A 15 year old child was involved in a car accident that left nine illegal immigrants dead in
Palmview, Texas. The teenager claims that he was coerced into driving the vehicle and that his family would be harmed if he did not do as instructed. The state is not buying his story and offers the statement of the15 year old's brother's who claims that the accused was not coerced as evidence. (Although, it is unlikely that the family would admit to authorities that they were being threatened by criminals.) The state of Texas is looking to try this child as an adult. Because this issue spans several years of a human life I will break it into the following posts.

                                              Stage 1: The Teenage Years
                                              Stage 2: Freedom vs. Responsibility 
                                              Stage 3: The Vegas Years
                                              Stage 4: Growed-updom (yeah, I made that word up, I own it, it's mine)

   Home                                               Stage 1: The Teenage Years

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